EDNOS: Most Dangerous, Unheard of Eating Disorder | Nightline | ABC News

Crystal quick-drying cleansing brush , EDNOS: Most Dangerous, Unheard of Eating Disorder | Nightline | ABC News ,

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1OQbUZeYAik , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OQbUZeYAik , https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1OQbUZeYAik/hqdefault.jpg , , , Inside the secret lives of millions of American women quietly battling every bite. SUBSCRIBE for the latest news and updates from … , 1352958104 , 2012-11-15 05:41:44 , , UCBi2mrWuNuyYy4gbM6fU18Q , ABC News , [vid_likes] , [vid_dislikes] , [vid_tags] , https://www.youtubepp.com/watch?v=1OQbUZeYAik , , , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OQbUZeYAik, #EDNOS #Dangerous #Unheard #Eating #Disorder #Nightline #ABC #News

R~ was founded in 2013, based on our boss’ and engineer’s over-10-year experience in this field. As a professional manufacturer of beauty accessories, we have cooperated with many big companies throughout the world. They include beauty and personal care companies, fashion FMCG companies, chaining retailing companies, and so on. Our main products are roughly divided into skincare tools, skin cleansing tools, skin massage tools, and makeup tools. For example, we have ice roller, electric and manual facial cleansing brush, skin massage sticks and makeup brushes.
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E-mail: info@ccwto.net 

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28 thoughts on “EDNOS: Most Dangerous, Unheard of Eating Disorder | Nightline | ABC News

  1. I could have had ednos. In high school and college i would starve myself til i couldnt stand it. Then I would bingeeat then back to starvation. I never met the criteria to get checed into a food rehab center…

  2. Tyler isn't slim what kind of anorexia does she have other than binge eating and vomiting it out. All in moderation then u won't feel guilty enough to vomit it out and do little exercise.

  3. I cannot eat pasta everyday but i make exceptions when i travel, to try the food. Back home im back to meal prep, measuring everything, counting calories, althou im a bit relaxed on the actual calories consumed, i eat till im full. I don’t restrict the calories when im super hungry i would eat, n stop when i feel like i have enough. Some days i eat more than others, but weird thing is the numbers on the scale don’t always match up w the total calories consumed, and the poop quantities vary everyday, so that affects the weight. Like that girl Ally, I also stop menstruating months ago since losing weight, and the only way to get it back is if i gain the weight, but i don’t want to ? like Taylor, i feel like im too chubby if i were to gain the weight back. I feel ok otherwise thou, like im able to lift heavy weights at the gym. Do I have EDNOS too? I honestly don’t know. Maybe, im similar to these girls, but the difference is that I do not hesitate to eat when im hungry, and i can eat the so called bad foods when im on vacation ? the only part i cannot solve is my amenorrhea…. ?

  4. i feel so tired and terrible, people who dont have to think about their weight and the food they eat 24/7 are so lucky

  5. I hate eating around people. That’s always been uncomfortable for me, for as long as I can remember.
    The most difficult thing about a food disorder, is that with food, you need it to survive. It’s unlike other obsessive/addictions.
    It’s about trying to control the things in your life you CAN. Some choose to control food in whatever way they want.

  6. I'm technically overweight and I suffer from depression and CPTSD. I skip meals a lot and over eat when I do eat. I don't purge at all, though once I only drank Mountain Dew for a month or so and that caused me to purge.. I went to see a doctor about it but I was told "if you don't purge, it's not an eating disorder" so I don't know what to do

    I don't purge because I don't like how it feels after or during for that matter.. but there's still something wrong, I know there is. I would like help

    Also, I'm from the UK

  7. There is nothing wrong with cutting out pasta. I don't think it's right to push someone back onto foods that are probably not good for them. I can tell by Taylor's body type that she probably doesn't do well with gluten. Cutting out gluten was probably the best thing for myself to relearn my relationship with food. Also, food in the US (among other countries) is DESIGNED to be addictive. By at least eating as clean as possible, you are helping curb cravings while also preventing the onset of many preventable diseases.

  8. This doc really spoke to me. Ever since I hit puberty I was overweight. I was only seven when I started puberty too. Now I’m medically obese. I don’t experience any side affects of being obese like high blood pressure and I’m fairly fit. But I go for days eating less than 1000 calories and exercising excessively yet nothing changes. I cry when I eat, cry when I’m hungry, and all around have a love/hate relationship with food. My parents don’t really understand. I need to lose weight because it’s unhealthy being 200 pounds at 5’5. But I can’t find a way to lose weight whether healthily or unhealthily. I’m sick and tired of it all.

  9. I just hate the feeling of being full , I hope it gets better for me bc I'm really trying and I hate lying to ppl around me and saying everything is fine . I only started obsessing over loosing more and more like 2 months now and the only reason it started was cause of a gum infection which didn't let me eat right which caused my weight loss. So for sum reason I wanted to stay the same weight bc it was a big difference and people's compliments made me feel like good , and I knew the only reason why I was even dropping so much was cause I couldn't eat right but I did want too. Then I just told myself what if I just starve a little not too much which turned into weeks and more of still "dieting " it's funny how I call it that when it's far from that, every morning I can't start my day without working out it's like if I don't then I'm not happy or won't go out if it isn't finished. I then started to binge and purge after promising myself I would never again back in 2018 I had to be hospitalized and I wasn't even at the weight I am now I was actually an overweight child so I was at a healthy weight at that point I was just dropping and they were concerned and wanted to make sure I didn't take it to far I guess. and im sure if my mom never took me to that hospital I would've let myself loose more , how I see it is they didn't let me finish what I started basically and it's sad . Cause now that I'm older I know better and shouldn't it be q good thing.?but what I hate about it is I know how to do it even more and I'm smaller than I was years ago, now that I've been experienced that I know what to expect from it and I know how to control it but it's not a good thing , it's a mental illness. It's like I'm fighting this other part of myself everyday . I don't purge as much anymore. But I also don't eat as much and I feel so unhappy ? I tell myself not to eat something if I know I don't feel like throwing it up because I feel too tired or exhausted, it gets fucking exhausting, I know it sounds bad but there's also times when I'm happy and don't think about it at all , I know sum of us need that help and it's ok to get it . I've just taught myself through it hoping one day this will stop and I'll finally make it my bitch . Whoever is reading this Ur not alone pls keep fighting .ur way more stronger than that voice in ur head

  10. I started binge eating after my weightloss journey, I think bc it was probably not the best way to lose weight with excessive exercise and little food. I always had a good relationship with food, eating whatever I wanted without thinking about it in a good way. But after losing like 5kg I started this eating disorder, and when u start, u can't stop, it goes deeper… I gained 10kg then, it's rly scary how it ruins your mood and control your life, so one thing I want to say
    weightloss is all about consistency, if u want to maintain the weight, you need to avoid getting an eating disorder and completely change your viw on food. U wont necessarily be happy even skinny as long as you dont have a good relationship with food… good luck 😉

  11. what about the eating disorder with the highest mortality rate of all? ie overconsumption/food addiction. not only have we stopped acknowledging that it's an issue, we have started to celebrate it. While less deadly EDs have the spotlight shone on them constantly.

  12. Woman who wanna look like what they see on tv from a child and it messes them up for life and here is your proof but to say society did it oh god no

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