Magical Practices, Daily Rituals of the Crones

Volcanic Stone Roller , Magical Practices, Daily Rituals of the Crones ,

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MD4re7X8KuE , , , 9818 , 5.00 , Join us, three crones of the natural world, as we invite you into our enchanting realm of magical daily practices. In this video, we share our sacred rituals from morning to night, infused with the beauty of nature, the spark of magic, and the comforting aroma of coffee.

Discover how we begin our mornings with intention and gratitude, drawing energy from the elements and setting the tone for the day ahead. From simple spells to enhance our daily activities to mindful moments in nature, we’ll reveal how magic weaves through every aspect of our lives.

As the day unfolds, join us in embracing magical moments that celebrate the wonders of the natural world. Whether it’s communing with the spirits of plants, harnessing the power of the moon, or practicing divination, each moment is infused with intention and reverence.

Finally, wind down with us as we share our bedtime rituals for relaxation and dreamwork. Learn how we create sacred spaces for rest, tap into our intuition, and bid goodnight to the day with gratitude.

Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or simply curious about incorporating magic into your daily life, this video offers inspiration, guidance, and a glimpse into our mystical routines.

Grab your coffee, immerse yourself in the enchantment, and join us on this magical journey from sunrise to moonrise. Don’t forget to subscribe for more magical insights and rituals. See you in the witching hour! ????

These are the chants that are mentioned –

om gan ganpataye namah and om shrim maha lakshmiyei swaha, the first is linked to Ganesha and is to remove obstacles and the second is linked to Lakshmi, to bring in abundance , 1714845609 , 2024-05-04 18:00:09 , 01:05:03 , UCbxzi5MSCmrl0h__ltnd9Dg , Coffee With Crones , 1004 , , Witch,Crone,coffee with crones,magical practices,daily magic , , , ,, #Magical #Practices #Daily #Rituals #Crones

45 thoughts on “Magical Practices, Daily Rituals of the Crones

  1. Your sharing is so special. I need this conversation. I live in the wilds of wyoming usa so finding women to share these thoughts XOXO and life with is not possible. You feed my soul

  2. Just found your channel! I wanted to say hello good day!! Im in California im 44 and going through my premenapos !! Im feeling all of my pains through my body Meditation is a hundred percent part of my everyday activity?

  3. Hello again ? Could you give more detail on the divination of orgary? The through the window looking? I can't find anything anywhere. Sending love, light and blessings ?????? xx

  4. I love listening to you talking, drinking my own cup of coffee, doing a bit of painting! I used to do a lot of everyday magic, but karma used me as a pingpong ball for some years, so I lost that practice. I do a lot of tarot, oracle cards and runes, it's a family thing, my granny was excellent in reading cards, and no matter what I can't loose that talent, thankfully! On my mother's side we come from Sapmi, indigenous reindeer keepers in the north, and I have had some dream contact with relatives long gone. I know magic works, it's all about energies as I understand, the intent we have and how sure we are of getting what we need. You have connected me again to this, and I'm so grateful finding your kind, warm and insightful page! I, too, am a crone by now, but an irregular one! ?????????

  5. Thank you so much for this entertaining chat!! In my morning I always do a few yoga stretches, thanking firstly everything above me, then everything below me. If I do a longer yoga session I will finish with some meditation bit in not very good at this – I think I need a meditation app or something as my mind tends to wander!! I always talk to birds and also to bees and butterflies when I’m rescuing them from the greenhouse!! I find journaling helps to solve problems and I also doodle every day (watercolour doodling) which I love and is very relaxing and calming. X?

  6. Hi I have just found your channel it wonderful, so much to learn and remember. I have always enjoy nature. I love to feed the birds and love trees. I have now started buying crystals. Thank you

  7. I really loved this coffee with you gorgeous crones. So much wisdom shared and it felt like i was in the circle with you. Reminded of how much everyday magic we practice and such a beautiful energy ??was transmitted ?. Thank you all xx

  8. Hola! It sounds like we are all remembering and longing for those Temple Times of the past . I remember bits and pieces of a life as a Lemurian priestess. In that Temple we had lots of spiritual exercises & routines. I find myself following many of them now. I love your work! Thank-you & Namaste

  9. Greetings from Western Canada. I just absolutely look forward to your talks. I’ve followed Ruby’s channel for a few years and was then lead to the three of you wonderful ladies. I love to make a cup of tea and feel like I’m in the room with all of you. I’ve incorporated so many things into my day that I didn’t realize how many things I actually did until I listened to your talk. What a wonderful, magical life it is when you are close to nature, the animals, the elements and feel so full of gratitude for this life. Please keep these types of videos coming, I learn so much from all of you and I feel like I’m part of a sisterhood of magical beings. ?

  10. This was lovely. What a wonderful-looking store! At first, I thought the sound of the cars driving by was ocean waves! And I could hear everything that was being said, so THANK YOU very much for looking into the audio aspect. Such a cool community here. Blessings to all from Canada. ?

  11. I’ve always said “hi” to the little creatures. Since I was little. Never thought about it having a magical significance.

  12. After Cindy was talking about her father’s horn and bones, she mentioned a deep dive into a tradition and I couldn’t catch what she said. Interested in knowing what it is! Thanks ? Love you ladies so much! ???

  13. Hi Ladies, so enjoying your channel I’m a solitary practitioner only as I’ve not found anyone local to make a brew with. Can I ask how did you three meet? Thank you xxx

  14. It's amazing how something as simple as going outside and noticing what the grass and flowers are doing is so magical. Daily magical rituals can be as simple as taking a deep breath or making your morning cup of coffee/tea. Love this episode!!

  15. Another cracking video Crones.I dab patchouli on my head, throat, wrists and heart every morning and say ' Only positive things will be thought, spoken, felt and done to me, so mote it be. Athena is the Greek version of Minerva and both their symbols are Owls. I take magnesium tablets for poor sleep, restless legs etc but will try magnesium on my feet. Do you use the oil? Blessings from Wales x

  16. These are lovely ideas! I've been looking for daily rituals to do, as turns out structure is very helpful. Heads up, tantra is a specific series of Buddhist practices which are very complex meditations, not just embodiment, cacao, sensuality or se*uality, etc.
    Things I like to do for daily rituals are some meditation. I want to create a new, simple ritual for my day, and the discussions around saying hi to plants and animals around is a great idea. Could be extended to rocks or furniture, for example!

  17. I look at the bottom of my coffee cup and see what the grounds shows me . today I got an owl symbol. know that I have wisdom and knowledge going on. the all seeing one is with me today

  18. I always start the day by setting intentions as i stir my coffee. Then when i can move around more (achy joint club here lol) i walk outside and feed my birds then i walk to my little garden and talk to my plants and i greet the sun and just soak in some of the rays and practice deep breathing and grounding myself and setting positive thoughts for the day ?

  19. So happy I found your channel, luv your easy going way of being.
    The conversation was great, health related info. Thanks, Until We Meet Again. ?

  20. It’s so beautiful to have this almost mentorship in a way. You all have an amazing wealth of knowledge that I as a baby witch can hope and dream of having one day. Blessed Be from Melbourne, Australia

  21. Loving your videos. Sitting with my cup of Yorkshire tea, listening. Just moved my salt lamp into my bedroom. Will see if it helps me to settle and get better sleep tonight. Can’t wait for the next episode ?

  22. I’m not a consistent or official practitioner, but a few years ago I started a gratitude ritual: Whenever I see three or four ‘ones’ I pause for a moment of gratitude. I see it on my clock mostly, but also on my CD player in my car or timestamps online, etc. So at 11:11 (or 1:11) am or pm, if I see it, I pause and list all the things I can think of that I’m grateful for. It happens more often than you might think, too. `I also thank the ‘traffic gods’ when i go on a long journey and arrive safely.

  23. Thank you for including us all in such a delightful conversation. In the morning, I greet and thank all of my plants in each of my rooms as I lift the blinds to flood the house with light. Before leaving for work, I watch the birds and wildlife in my back yard as I sip my tea.
    I have found the Ganesha Mantra is not only useful in this Chicago traffic, but also at work. I’m a nurse in a surgical setting so I am often saying, “Om Gan Ganapataye Namah” as I’m pushing patients on a gurney through the crowded halls to and from the procedure room.?

  24. I had a very nice time listening to your chat and echoing many of the things you all mentioned. I didn’t really associate them with my practice, but they very much are. I tend to do more in the evening when I feel like all the obligations of the day are done and I can tend to my practice with focus and ease. I do love the moon, so it’s always nice to have a chat with her as well. Looking forward to the next video!

  25. Blessed, belated Beltane to you all from Ohio in the United States! I’m loving your videos so far. It really feels like sitting down and having a chat with wonderful people, which I absolutely love since I’m unfortunately not part of a magical community where I live. Thank you for making such a welcoming space and sharing your wisdom!

    I love so many of the rituals you talked about! I personally do a lot of my magical practice in my night time routine with nightly candlelight yoga, meditation/communion with spirit guides, and an oracle card pull. Checking in with my garden daily and tending to it is also very important for me. Love the grounding techniques you all have mentioned; I’ll have to give them a try!! Cheers!

  26. I absolutely adore you gals so damn much! You bring such a smile to me and make my heart full! Hugs to you all! Xoxoxxoo! Cheers, sisters!

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